Mentis OCEANSPersonality Navigator
Explore the depths of personality
Strengthen knowledge of individual and collective styles and preferences.
A strong scientific framework built upon the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP).
Interactive & engaging online dashboards for interpreting the outputs
Thank you for your interest in exploring OCEANS Personality Navigator

Key Features
- Balanced and non-judgmental scale: avoids %tiles and with no "High/Low/Average" - People not Percentiles!
- Dashboard Output
- Interactive feedback for Factors & Facets
- Includes the essential sixth factor of Sincerity
- Understanding strengths aligned to reputation
- Details development opportunities

People are not percentiles!
Thank you for your interest in exploring OCEANS Personality Navigator
Mentis OCEANS Personality NavigatorFactors & Facets
OCEANS consists of 6 Factors comprising 24 Facets – providing more specific insights
The preference for actively seeking and appreciating different experiences and novel situations with creativity or for being conventional and following established daily routines and procedures, with less creativity.
Openness to Experience
The preference for actively seeking and appreciating different experiences and novel situations with creativity or for being conventional and following established daily routines and procedures, with less creativity.
Explores the tendency to either focus on what is known and established or to seek new knowledge and insights.
Explores the tendency to either be serious or to be fun and open to seeing the humor in situations.
Explores the tendency to be real, focused on what is evident now, or to use imagination, look for ideas and ‘day-dream’.
Explores the tendency to prefer to stick to a set routine and be conventional, or seek variety and find enjoyment in new and unusual situations and activities.
Problem Solving
Explores the tendency to avoid complex data, trends and problems or to explore issues and challenges more comprehensively, influencing choices and decisions.
While this facet is not a measure of problem-solving accuracy and IQ – this examines preferences for types of tasks and information and the tenacity to pursue asolution.
The preference for impulse control in order to engage in goal-directed behaviors or for less impulse control to be less goal-directed, more flexible, enjoying life or freedom more than work activities and goals.
The preference for impulse control in order to engage in goal-directed behaviors or for less impulse control to be less goal-directed, more flexible, enjoying life or freedom more than work activities and goals.
Explores preference for less structure and personal organization or a methodical, organized and systematic approach to life or work and personal environment.
Detail Orientation
Explores the preference for less focus on detail and accuracy in favor of pursuing other interests or following a more meticulous and careful approach.
Explores the tendency to either work hard and be industrious or to be less interested in working to achieve an outcome, placing higher priority on other pursuits.
Impulse Control
Explores the preference to act instinctively to risk or decisions and following an impulsive approach to situations or events, or to take a more careful approach to avoid risk.
The preference to interact with the environment, showing outward energy, particularly socially with other people or to be reserved, preferring solitude, showing passivity, thoughtfulness, and a preference to keep emotional states and thoughts private.
The preference for actively seeking and appreciating different experiences and novel situations with creativity or for being conventional and following established daily routines and procedures, with less creativity.
Explores energy and enthusiasm for novel experiences and thrilling activities, or a desire to preserve energy, enjoy quietness, tranquility and a predictable existence.
Social Confidence
Explores confidence in public speaking, social situations and meeting new people through to having less confidence, preferring a more reserved approach; maintaining distance from people.
Explores the desire to compete with others in order to achieve recognition, success, praise or adulation for being superior or, by contrast, a reticent approach, more self contained – less comfortable with feedback and attention. [This is not necessarily related to drive and motivation – see Industry].
Explores preference for social occasions and activities or spending time with a few, familiar people or alone.
The preference to trust and agree with others, especially others high in authority or to distrust people, to disagree, and be more stubborn.
The preference for impulse control in order to engage in goal-directed behaviors or for less impulse control to be less goal-directed, more flexible, enjoying life or freedom more than work activities and goals.
Explores the tendency to be more wary about others’ motives and suspicious, or forgiving and trusting to maintain a cordial relationship.
Explores the preference to be more stubborn and argumentative with others, or make concessions in order to placate people and situations, possibly to the level of self-sacrifice.
Avoids Confrontation
Explores the tendency to be confrontational and direct, even blunt in style with others, or agreeable in order to avoid conflict or risk to a relationship.
The preference for seeking reassurance, worrying, being melancholy, passionate, and sensitive to the emotional needs of self and others in the environment, or to be self-assured, calm, sanguine, positive, lacking passion, and disregarding the emotional needs of others and risks in situations.
Need for Stability
The preference for impulse control in order to engage in goal-directed behaviors or for less impulse control to be less goal-directed, more flexible, enjoying life or freedom more than work activities and goals.
The preference for seeking reassurance, worrying, melancholy, passionate, and sensitive to the emotional needs of self and others in the enviroment, or to be self-assured, calm, sanguine, positive, lacking passion, and disregarding the emotional needs of others and risks in situations.
Explores the tendency to be less aware or sensitive to the emotional needs of others or to be empathic and concerned to consider and respond to the feelings of people.
Explores the degree of emotional reactivity – ranging from being less likely to express feelings and emotions, to being more emotionally expressive and prone to experiencing highs and lows in moods.
Explores the tendency to be less preoccupied by concerns or worries and to be more optimistic, or to be concerned and worry about risks and negative events.
The preference to be fair, genuine and co-operative in dealing with others or to be guarded, self-focused and proud.
The preference for impulse control in order to engage in goal-directed behaviors or for less impulse control to be less goal-directed, more flexible, enjoying life or freedom more than work activities and goals.
Explores the tendency to be open and frank, or to be more guarded and strategic in choosing which information and opinions to share or conceal from others.
Explores the tendency to be modest and averse to being prideful, or to seek recognition, to overestimate personal capabilities and contributions to success.
Explores the tendency to uphold moral standards and be fair and consistent in dealings with others, or to place self interest and needs above others and be willing to be flexible about following social norms and obligations.
Unlock your full potential with the OCEANS Personality Navigator Insights
Thank you for your interest in exploring OCEANS Personality Navigator

Akarin Phureesitr.
“We will definitely make use of this as a tool for coaching, for career discussion and also for selection of senior executives”

Joseph Mendes, VP
“We worked with Mentis during our Leadership Development program and found them to be extremely professional and helpful in giving us deep, valuable and data driven insights on the developmental areas of our Leadership cohort which helped to target strategic developmental programs in a cost effective manner to achieve some fantastic ROI.”

Thanita Phaireekayard.
“I really like the course outline and how we structure each chapter and the three assessments. It is so easy to follow and helps me to see the whole picture”

Suchada Vichitvanichphong.
“I will apply this tool to develop the leasership team and to make them aware of the benefits I got from it.”

John Mark O. Junio
“This workshop will really help me a lot as a manager in Thailand, in terms of talent acquisition; and identifying the right talent to join our teams.”

Shaimaa Saleh Alwahedi
“Straight to the point. Covers all learning areas that the candidate desires to have. Friendly staffs and happy to assist us whenever we need help with our learning approach.”

Simone Gargenti
“Usually, ONAs tend to be a top-down approach that doesn’t necessarily deliver value to individuals. Mentis has an approach that allows for individual awareness development while effectively gauging relational ties"

Laura Borrey
"We used the OCEANS survey as part of a leadership development program to help leaders develop higher self-awareness. It gave us clear insights into leaders' personalities and areas of improvement, was easy to grasp and to share with the participants. Great base to start a coaching conversation and get individuals to reflect on their behaviors. The report dashboard is very helpful to get insights into both your own personality facets and those opposite to yours. The Mentis team were also really helpful and flexible to accommodate our organization's needs.
Questions & Answers
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OCEANS is a personality survey developed by Mentis using the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) that explores an individual’s consistent patterns of attitudes, preferences to identify style of behavior and interaction. The profile report gives insights into strengths and areas for improvement. OCEANS can be used for team and individual development and to guide people in career decisions.
Mentis OCEANS has been built on the foundations of highly standardised and validated models of personality which are widely regarded to be the most robust empirical frameworks of personality. Mentis OCEANS is designed to be contextually relevant, meaning it has been aligned with organisational needs. Items in Mentis OCEANS have been developed from the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP), which is an open resource containing over 3000 personality items measuring a wide variety of constructs. More than one thousand researched studies have been published using IPIP across cultures and the widest range of occupations.
For the standard version participants need to allow between 35-45 minutes to complete the survey. We plan to release a short version of OCEANS soon.
Dedicated administrator access is provided to you and our customer success team will work closely with you to show you how to use the intuitive system for setting up projects and inviting participants through automated emails. Participants complete a simple profile and then complete the survey online and the output is automatically generated. The dashboard profile and pdf report is available immediately through the Talent MAP system.
Once a participant has completed Mentis OCEANS, results are automatically available to view in the dashboard of Talent MAP.
OCEANS is available in English, but is currently being translated into major languages including Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Thai and Arabic.
Mentis OCEANS adopts a modern and non-judgmental philosophy applying a dialectic approach which considers all aspects of each dimension as being integrated. This means that we avoid Western bias in interpretation and all profiles are considered equal. We believe that applying numerical values naturally leads to assumptions such as “high is good, low is bad”. Our two decades of experience with personality profiling encouraged us to abandon outdated concepts such as percentiles, Sten scores as these confuse and demotivate people.
OCEANS includes a sixth factor that many other personality tools overlook, and items are formed from reliable and widely validated sources. Here at Mentis, we have over 20 years of implementing personality assessments for our client’s success across organisations and cultures.
Benchmarking refers to the practice of evaluating a model by testing its predictive performance in tasks that represent the purpose they are developed for against other models or tools
The International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) is an online open database of personality items that OCEANS items have been developed from
The 6 factors in OCEANS are aligned with the Five Factor Model that is one of the most widely researched and robust empirical frameworks of personality. The FFM suggests personality can be classified based on five broad dimensions (emotional stability, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience). OCEANS has contextually amended and reconfigured this to make it relevant to an organisational culture and to address existing gaps in personality models such as the FFM.